As the world is still in shock after the beheading of a French teacher last month, multiple false claims are being peddled on social media. A clip of a Belgian MP denouncing the Holy book Quran in the parliament has resurfaced again claiming that it is a recent incident.

It is being claimed that Belgian MP Filip Dewinter holds the Quran in the parliament and called it ‘a source of evil’ in reaction to the recent attack on a French teacher.

Fact Crescendo found out that the viral clip of the Belgian MP is from 2015 and is being shared with wrong information.


In a viral clip, a man, claimed to be a Belgian MP Filip Dewinter, is holding a Quran and making a speech, which has been translated as - The Quran is the cause of a lot of misery. Root of all evil, license to kill, and so on and so forth. But this book Quran is the foundation of the Islamic teachings. [It] is being proclaimed in a fundamentalist way in quite a lot of mosques in our country. According to the Union of Mosques’ list, our country has 295 mosques. And perhaps one third belongs to the Jihadist-Salafism movement - radical Sunni, where to a greater or lesser extent recruitment happens for jihad, where violence is preached and so forth.

The message accompanying to this clip claims that the speech of this MP was given after the France Attack.

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The same clip is viral on Facebook as well. Interestingly, many people also claimed that the man in the clip is a French MP who denounced the Quran in the French parliament.


As per the claim, this clip is from the Belgium Parliament. With the help of keywords, we were able to ascertain that, indeed, this clip is from Belgium and the man seen in it is a right-wing politician Filip Dewinter.

However, the fact is that Filip Dewinter had not given this speech recently.

According to Getty Images, it was given on 22nd January 2015 at a plenary session of the Chamber at the federal parliament, in Brussels. In other words, it was a five-year-old video clip wrongly shared in relation to the French teacher attack.

Embed from Getty Images

Source: Getty Images

The controversial comments of Filip Dewinter about the Quran had caused a big stir back in 2015 was well.

Dutch news reports of the time quoted him saying, “The Quran is the reason for a lot of disasters, the source of all evil, license to kill and a few other things like that. This book, the basis of Islamic teachings, is held in a fundamentalist way in quite a few mosques in our country. What signal do we send out to these kinds of mosques?”

The next day (22 January 2015), Filip Dewinter had also tweeted the photo of him addressing the parliament with the Quran in one hand. He wrote the caption – “Riot after showing Quran. “This book, is the reason for much mischief, the source of all evil, a license to kill.”


After Filip Dewinter’s speech, the then Belgian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior and Security Jan Jambon had condemned his fellow politician’s controversial remarks. He said to Dewinter, “You are here waving a book that for a lot of people in this country is a book they have a lot of respect for. You're going to upset the whole community here. We all know that there are radical and extremist elements in that community. We all want to fight against that in the Chamber. But the dividing line that you draw between Islam and the law in our community, you will not find support for it here with any other party in this hemisphere.”'

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Who is Filip Dewinter?

Filip is a Flemish politician in Belgium. He is one of the leading members of Vlaams Belang, a right-wing Flemish nationalist and secessionist political party. He is known for his anti-Islamic views and stance against immigrants.


It is clear that the five-year-old clip of a Belgian politician making controversial remarks about the Quran resurfaced after the recent beheading of a French teacher. Many people falsely believed that Belgian politician denounced the Quran and Islam in an angry response to the attack on the French teacher.


Title:An old video of a Belgian MP denouncing the Quran in Parliament is being shared as a recent incident.

Fact Check By: Mayur Deokar

Result: Partly False