Fake claims of Coronavirus infected woman in Delhi’s Rani Bagh.
Many videos are being made viral with claims that these videos are from different parts of the country where the people appearing in the videos are trying to spread Coronavirus. Another such video is going viral on social media, claiming that a woman who is believed to be infected with coronavirus has entered Reliance Mall located in Ranibagh, Delhi with the deliberate intention of spreading this infection. It is also claimed that woman was not wearing a mask. Subsequent to this incident the store has been sealed.
The title of the post states that-
"A woman infected with a coronavirus came into Rani Bagh's Reliance Mall Pritampura today without wearing a mask, that’s why the store has been sealed now."
We started the investigation by searching for news related to the above incident. As a result of which we could not find any reliable news reports which could give us more information about this incident.
A closer look at the video gives us an impression that the person recording the clip is not giving an accurate interpretation of the events. He claims that the woman is spitting everywhere and touching fellow customers, which is not true. We can see in the video that she is lost in her own world, people around her do not seem inconvenienced her and they are shopping without any concern. In addition, the person recording the incident also states that the woman spat inside a soft drink bottle and put the bottle back on the rack, but what is visible is that she lifted the bottle from a rack, sipped some, and kept it with her. She did not keep it back on the rack. The person recording the video has clearly hyped the recorded incident.
Fact crescendo approached Delhi's Rani Bagh police station, the police station in-charge Rajendra Singh told us that: -
“The concerned woman is mentally unstable and has been undergoing treatment for the last 10 years. This incident has nothing to do with the Coronavirus infection. She lives close to this store in Harsh Vihar. We did not know why this woman came out of her house. She was admitted to the mental hospital earlier too. After getting information about the incident, the police admitted her to the Institute of Human Behaviour and Allied Science (IBHAS) Hospital in Shahadra. This woman is not a coronavirus patient. "
He also told us that after the incident, this store was completely sanitized as per the procedure and the matter of sealing this store is just a rumor. This store is still open. "
Conclusion: We found the above post wrong after checking the facts. The woman shown in the viral video on social media is mentally unwell. She is not a coronavirus infected patient. This woman has been admitted to a mental hospital.
Title:Fake claims of Coronavirus infected woman in Delhi’s Rani Bagh.
Fact Check By: Aavya RayResult: False