Millions of people worldwide use Apple iPhones, and their safety has become a topic of widespread discussion on social media. However, many of these social media posts are misleading, spreading incorrect information about iPhone safety that can cause unnecessary concern among users.

Social Media Posts

Social media posts has raised concerns by claiming that Apple issued a warning advising users not to sleep next to their iPhones while they are charging. The posts allege that the latest iPhone user manual instructs people not to sleep with the device, power adapter, or wireless charger under a blanket, pillow, or close to the body when connected to a power outlet, due to the risk of overheating and potential fires. It further questions whether the warning is related to harmful radiation emitted by iPhones.

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This fact-check will explore the accuracy of these claims, and base them on Apple's documented safety advice.

Fact Check

Claim 1: Apple's Warning:

The posts claim that Apple warned against sleeping next to iPhones while charging.


Apple advises against prolonged heat exposure, noting that "sustained contact with warm surfaces for long periods may cause discomfort or injury." They recommend avoiding situations where your skin is in contact with the device, its power adapter, or a wireless charger when connected to a power source for extended periods. This aligns with the caution not to sleep next to an iPhone while charging to prevent possible heat-related discomfort or injury. The company’s safety instructions, which have been in place for some time, recommend against placing the device under bedding or other materials while charging due to overheating risks. However, this is not an advisory; it is more about general safety practices rather than a specific concern about sleeping near the device.

Claim 2: Overheating Risk:

The posts mention that placing the device, power adapter, or wireless charger under a blanket, pillow, or close to the body while charging could lead to overheating and potentially spark fires.


This claim is accurate. Apple does advise against placing iPhones, power adapters, or wireless chargers under blankets, pillows, or close to the body while charging. The reasoning is that such practices can lead to overheating, which could potentially spark fires. This is consistent with Apple's existing safety guidelines that aim to prevent heat buildup during charging. Read More here

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Claim 3: Radiation Concerns:

The social media posts question whether the radiation emitted by iPhones is harmful enough for Apple to issue a warning, suggesting that there might be unhealthy radiation involved.


The claim that Apple issued a warning due to concerns about unhealthy radiation is misleading. Apple complies with international guidelines on radiofrequency (RF) exposure, which are designed to ensure that devices like iPhones do not emit harmful levels of radiation. The safety guidelines Apple provides focus on minimizing overheating and fire hazards rather than radiation exposure. Read more here

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Claim 4: Health and Safety Justification:

The posts imply that Apple's warning is based on the potential for harmful radiation, leading to questions about why such devices are allowed to be sold if they pose such risks.


The implication that Apple's warning is based on potential harmful radiation is not supported by evidence. Apple’s safety warnings primarily focus on preventing overheating and associated fire risks. The devices sold by Apple meet safety standards, including those related to RF exposure, and there is no indication that they pose significant health risks that would justify a warning based on radiation concerns.

Read our recent article about Electromagnetic Field (EMF) radiation from Wi-Fi routers here.


The claims in the social media posts are misleading and based on misunderstandings of Apple's safety guidelines. While it's normal for iPhones to heat up during charging, Apple advises against placing them in areas where they could overheat, but there is no specific advisory against sleeping near iPhones due to radiation concerns. The radiation emitted during normal use or charging does not significantly impact the device’s heat, and Apple's guidelines emphasize general safety practices, ensuring their devices meet established standards, including those related to radiation exposure.


Title:The Truth behind Apple's iPhone Charging Warning

Fact Check By: Fact Crescendo Team

Result: Missing Context