The video was digitally edited to add the India-India chants. No such chanting was heard at the event at that moment.

At the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee on July 15, Donald Trump announced JD Vance as his vice-presidential candidate. Vance greeted the delegates at the convention with his wife, Usha, who is of Indian origin.

Against this backdrop, a video showing JD Vance's entry into the RNC (Republican National Convention) with his Indian-origin wife, Usha Chilukuri, is going viral on social media. In this video, the crowd can be heard chanting "India-India" as JD Vance and his wife enter the RNC convention. The users who shared the video claims that the video claimed that people raised "India! India!" chants when the Vance arrived.

Let’s check the truth

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A reverse image search on Google led us to the same video was shared on Benny Johnson's official Twitter account with the caption: JUST IN: JD Vance walks into the RNC convention. In this video, we noticed that the crowd at the conference did not raise any India-India slogans. In fact, when JD Vance and his wife walk in, gentle music plays.

Moving forward, we found Forbes live-streamed the event on its YouTube Channel. Here, at the three-hour mark, the viral clip can be seen. Vance is seen walking with his wife, shaking hands with all the people around him. During his arrival, we hear the band Sixwire performing a cover of Merle Haggard's 'America First' at the event. Sixwire is a country music band based in Nashville, Tennessee.

A comparison between original video and the viral clip can be seen below. The comparison makes it very clear that the viral video is edited.

Thus, it’s clear that the India-India chants have been digitally added to the viral video. Originally, soft music can be heard as JD Vance makes his first appearance with his wife at the RNC.


Fact Crescendo found that the viral video is digitally edited with India-India chants. The video was digitally edited to add the India-India chants. No such chanting was heard at the event at that moment.


Title:Edited video goes viral as India-India chants at the Republican National Convention

Fact Check By: Usha Manoj

Result: Altered