Recently, the Uttarakhand government had taken a decision to demolish illegal Madrassas in Haldwani. This created unrest in the city. Miscreants from the region were reported to throw stones and police and set vehicles on fire. Many police officers were injured in this incident.

Against this backdrop, a video of a huge gathering is going viral on social media. Users are claiming that this is a video of Muslim gathering from Haldwani.

However, Fact Crescendo found the claim to be false. This is an old video of the celebration of Eid in Haridwar and not related to the recent incident in Haldwani.

What's the claim?

Sharing the video, a social media user wrote that 20 years ago Haldwani had only 1% Muslim population but now it has grown to 20%.

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Fact Check-

A Google Reverse Image Search on a keyframe led us to the same video uploaded on a facebook account in May 2022. The user wrote that this is a Muslim gathering after their prayers in Jwalapur Eidgah in Haridwar. He also wrote, “The city of Hari had turned into Allah’s city and Hindus are thinking that they are safe


Taking a clue from the above, we searched the Eidgah using Google Maps. We found the same located in Telephone Exchange road in Jwalapur.

When we compared the visuals of the viral video with the views from Google Maps, we found that the entrance of the Eidgah and the shape of the boundary wall are the same. Below you can see the comparison.

A tweet from Haridwar police on 8 February reads, “An old video is going viral on social media which is said to be related to UCC. This video is from 2022 from Eidgah Jwalapur in Haridwar on the occasion of Eid.”


Fact Crescendo found the claim to be false. An old video of Eid celebration in a mosque in Haridwar viral as a gathering of Muslims in Haldwani after recent unrest in the region.


Title:Is this a video of Muslim gathering in Haldwani after the recent incident? Know the truth.

Written By: Siddharth Sahu

Result: False