After the recent earthquakes in Turkey and Syria, many posts are being shared on social media. Meanwhile, a photo is going viral in which an old man is seen holding a few loaves of bread in front of a collapsed building. It was claimed that this picture was taken after the recent earthquake in Turkey.

However, Fact Crescendo found that although this photo is from an earthquake in Turkey, it is a 23-year-old photo. It has nothing to do with the recent earthquake.

What’s the claim?

Sharing this image, social media users are claiming, “Before the 75 seconds long earthquake in Turkey, the man in the image was the owner of 3 buildings and now post-earthquake he doesn’t even own 3 loaves of bread.

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Fact Check-

A Google Reverse Image Search on the viral image led us to the same photo published on the Hurriyet Daily News website. According to this report published on November 30, 2020, this is an image of an earthquake that occurred in Turkey's Dujce region in 1999.

Keeping the above information in mind, we searched on Google about the earthquake incident in Turkey in 1999 using various keywords. As a result, we found the same photo published on a website on 14 November 1999.

As per reports, more than 400 people lost their lives in that earthquake. The information with the image says that an old man is standing and crying near a collapsed building after an earthquake.


From another website we came to know that this photo was taken by a photographer named Abdurrahman Antakyali.

We also found the Instagram profile of this photographer.The photographer himself shared this image on 12 Nov 2014. It was also mentioned that the photo was taken after the Duzce earthquake.


Fact Crescendo found that the viral image has no connection with the recent earthquake in Turkey. This is a 23-year-old image that was taken after a massive earthquake in Duzce, Turkey in 1999.


Title:Two decade-old image of a man with bread viral as an incident after a recent earthquake in Turkey.

Fact Check By: Siddharth Sahu

Result: Missing Context