On 2nd September 2014, a Facebook user named Khadim Raza” posted a video on Facebook that reads “Modi government is completely eradicating freedom in Kashmir. Today it is happening in Kashmir; tomorrow it will happen here too. Kadim Raza.” This video is being shared very fast on social media and it is being claimed that this video shows the current situation in Kashmir. In this video we can see the police conducting Lathi-charge. By the time fact check was done, this video received 3700 responses.

Facebook Post Archive Video

In the beginning of the investigation, we used InVid tool to break the key frames and conducted a Google Reverse Image search. As a result, we got a video uploaded by DBTV on 21st October 2017. The title of this video was “Indian army has killed 7 Kashmiris in Kulgham district.” In this video, we can see some scenes of the viral video too. Hence, it becomes clear that this video is not of the current situation but from an old incident.


If we look closely at the video, we can see the AP Logo. After that we searched for this video on YouTube using keywords like “AP Kashmir 2018”. As a result, we found a video aired by AP Archive on 24th September 2017. The title of this video says “police in Kashmir fired tear gas shells to take out a Muharram procession.” It is also written that Police in Indian controlled Kashmir released tear gas on Wednesday to disperse Shia Muslim mourners as they participated in the procession of Muharram in defiance of security restrictions.

Conclusion: From our research, we found the above post to be absolutely wrong. This video does not reflect the current state of Kashmir. It is an old video of Muharram in 2017.


Title:This video of 2017 Muharram procession is being showcased as the current situation of Kashmir

Fact Check By: Ruchika M

Result: False