The National Democratic Alliance (NDA) meeting was held at the Central Hall of Old Parliament on June 7. Narendra Modi was chosen as the alliance's leader and PM of the country unanimously by the alliance leaders. Narendra Modi will take oath as the prime minister for a third consecutive term on 9 June as President Draupadi Muru has invited him to form the government.

Following the meeting, a video went viral on social media with the claim that Nitin Gadkari did not stand up while others were giving standing ovation to Narendra Modi.

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However, as we investigated, we came to know that the viral video was misleading. Here's the fact check.

Fact Check

We started our investigation by conducting a keyword search on YouTube. As a result, we found the longer version of the video uploaded on the ANI News channel. The caption of the video read, "LIVE: PM Modi addresses NDA Parliamentary Party Meeting | NDA meeting | Parliament |Delhi"

The video was streamed live on 7 June. In the video, we can see Nitin Gadkari sitting with Nirmala Sitharaman.

At the timestamp 25:45 Narendra Modi can be seen entering the hall. Then all the members sitting in the hall started giving him a standing ovation.

At 25:57 timestamp, Nitin Gadkari can also be seen giving Narendra Modi a standing ovation.

At the timestamp 29:41, Modi Modi chants can be heard and at the timestamp 29:57 Nitin Gadkari can be seen clapping his hands along with Nirmala Sitharaman. The video went viral from the timestamp 29:51 to 30:04.

Going through the whole video, we can see Nitin Gadkari clapping multiple times.

The same video was uploaded on the official YouTube channel of BJP too.

From this, it is clear that the video clip went viral falsely.


From our investigation, we can say that the viral video is circulating with a false claim. The viral video is a small clip from the original one. Nitin Gadkari actually stood and applauded Narendra Modi multiple times.


Title:A Short Clip Of Nitin Gadkari Is Going Viral With A False Claim That He Did Not Stand Up To Greet Narendra Modi.

Written By: Debanjana baishya

Result: False