SRK and Salman Khan have not attended the consecration ceremony of Ram Temple in Ayodhya. The viral video is a combination of two different videos of Ganpati celebrations in September 2023 that they have attended together.

The consecration ceremony of the Ram temple in Ayodhya took place on 22 January with Prime Minister Narendra Modi performing the rituals. Many Bollywood stars participated in this ceremony. Meanwhile, a video of actors Salman Khan and Shahrukh Khan is going viral on social media with the claim that Shahrukh Khan and Salman Khan together attended the Ayodhya Ram Temple consecration ceremony. The video shows both SRK and Salman Khan with folded hands offering prayers and seeking blessings. The caption of the video states, “Shahrukh khan, Salman khan together Ayodhya ram Mandir inauguration ceremony”

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Fact Check-

A reverse image search on Google with the key frames of the video led us to an Instagram post, which was uploaded by a celebrity paparazzi account on 20 September, 2023. The caption mentions, “Salman Khan seeks blessings at Ambani Ganesh Darshan”.

Keeping this mind, we conducted relevant keyword search, and found news reports that Mukesh Ambani and his family hosted a grand celebration on Ganesh Chaturthi at their plush residence, Antilla in September 2023 and it was a joyous moment for all Bollywood actors. Salman Khan and SRK with family attended the function. The viral video shows the visuals of that event.

And upon carefully analysing the viral video, we discovered it was a combination of two different videos. The final segment features Salman Khan and Shah Rukh Khan wearing different outfits. And the reverse image search revealed that it shows both actors attending Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde’s residence for Ganpati celebrations. You can see the news here.

As per reports, the Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Teerth Kshetra Trust had not invited any of the top Bollywood actors - Shah Rukh Khan, Salman Khan and Aamir Khan for the consecration ceremony of the Ayodhya Ram Temple.

Taking account of these evidences we can clearly say that two different videos of Ganpati celebrations they have attended have been combined together to falsely claim that the viral video depicts SRK and Salman Khan attending the Ayodhya Ram Temple inauguration ceremony.


Fact Crescendo found that the claim made along with the viral video to be False. SRK and Salman Khan have not attended the consecration ceremony of Ram Temple in Ayodhya. The viral video is a combination of two different videos of Ganpati celebrations in September 2023 that they have attended together.


Title:Old video of Ganpati celebration of SRK and Salman Khan goes viral linking to Ayodhya Ram Temple

Written By: Usha Manoj

Result: False