Assam Police has clarified that no such incident has taken place in Assam. The viral images shows an incident of murder that took place in Brazil in 2010.

After the recent Shraddha Walker incident, social media has witnessed an increase of several allegations of ‘Love Jihad’ claims. Most of these allegations have a similar pattern where the users claim there is a Muslim man, a Hindu woman and a horrifying murder.

Amidst this, a set of images showing a corpse of a naked woman inside a freezer is widely circulating on social media with the claim that the name of the girl is Kajal who was murdered and gang raped by seven Muslim men in Assam. The post also claims that the woman was stored alive in a freezer after she was raped repeatedly causing her death.

The caption of the viral post states, “Another Shraddha packed in freeze in Assam... Ghaffar Miyan first got Kajal living in a live-in relationship raped by 7 Muslim boys, then packed her alive in a freeze in a state of unconsciousness... Due to which he died of cold, the limit of inhumanity was crossed when Ghaffar Miyan.”

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Fact Check-

We started our investigation by running a keyword search on Google to find relevant news reports related to the incident in Assam. The results led us a Tweet by the Assam Police posted on 8 December 2022. The caption of the post states, “#FakeAlert: An image from a Portuguese blog of 2010 is being shared with a completely false context on Social Media. Appropriate action will be taken against those found sharing such messages.”

Calling out the viral incident as Fake the Assam Police has also shared a news of the original incident.

What is the real incident?

According to a Portuguese blog published in March 2010, the images are from a murder that took place in Osasco, a municipality in the São Paulo State, Brazil. Her partner murdered the victim.

According to a report by Agora, a 45-year-old man named Josã Lopes da Silva was arrested on charges of killing his 28-year-old partner Katiana de Souza Moura and placing her body in the freezer in his home. Josã Lopes da Silva killed his wife by suffocation and then placed the body inside a freezer in order to dispose of it later.

The viral images along with several other images were posted by a blog named ‘Documenting Reality’ in August 2010. According to other reports on the incident,the woman’s body was found in the freezer in a foetal position and was supposedly frozen for more than three months.

Thus, it is clear that the viral images on social media shows an incident that took place in Brazil in 2010. It has no relation with love jihad neither is from Assam. No such incident has taken place in Assam recently.


Fact Crescendo found the claim made along with the viral images is False.No such murder or ‘love jihad’ incident has taken place in Assam recently. The viral images shows an incident of murder that took place in Brazil in 2010.


Title:Images from Brazil shared as love jihad incident in Assam

Fact Check By: Drabanti Ghosh

Result: False