A Facebook user named ‘Jhansi Times’ shared a post on 18 June 2019. A truck with the tricolour flag hoisted is shown in the video and the DJ is playing. There is a very famous Bhojpuri song played by the DJ - 'Lollipop Lagelu' and on that tune, the foreigners are dancing. The post as translated from Hindi quoted “The British people are dancing on the Bhojpuri song, echoing in London- 'Jab lagawelu Lipistick'.

We are aware that the current ICC Cricket World Cup is going on in London. Therefore, this post claims that cricket fever in London is on the rise so much that the British could not stop themselves from jumping on the Bhojpuri song rally in support of the Indian team. Let us see what the facts are!


FacebookPost | ArchivedLink


We first used InVid tool to get the screen shots of the video in the post did the reverse image of the frames. We could not find this video anywhere. Then we saw one frame with a magnifier and then we saw the letter BERLIN on the truck.

According to the claim, if this video is from London, then why is ‘Berlin’ (which is the capital of Germany) written on the Truck? We searched with the key words ‘Berlin Dancing on Indian Song’ and found a tweet.

In this tweet, a user named Dr. Batra has written that this video is from the ‘Karneval Der Kulturen’ Event in Berlin, Germany. You can see this tweet below. The original video in this tweet. In this original video Bhojpuri song 'LoliPop lagelu' along with 'Tere aankhon ka ye kaajal' and 'Tunuk tunuk tu' was played.

Tweet | ArchivedTweet

After this, we searched for ‘Karneval Der Kulturen Event’ on Google and came to know that, every year, Karneval Der Kulturen is organized in the city of Berlin. This cultural festival started in 1995. Since then, the festival is organized in Berlin City before the summer season starts. In this festival, people from different countries participate and display their culture. This year, in 2019, the festival was organised within seventh to tenth June. The highlight of this four-day festival was the March called Straßenumzug. This March, which passes through the streets of Berlin, reflects the culture of different countries. This year it was on March 9th. To find out more about this festival, please click on this link ENJOY BERLIN.

You may see the glimpses of this festival on the tweet below.

Tweet | ArchivedLink

After more investigation, we got more videos of this festival. In a shared tweet by a user, there is a truck in the Bhojpuri song video. We can see ‘BERLIN INDIAWAALE’ written on the truck with the help of InVid tool magnifier. Indians who resided in Berlin had started this group in 2015 by the name ‘Berlin Indiawaale’. You can visit their official Facebook account. The official Fan book Facebook page of ‘Berlin Indianwaale Group’ has uploaded this festival photos and videos.

'Fact Cresendo' also sent an email to the 'Berlin Indiawaale' group. In response to this mail, he confirmed that this viral video is from the city of Berlin. He also said that it was removed on March 9, 2019. The truck that appears in the video is from Berlin Indianwaale Group. This truck was in a place named Gneisenaustrasse. That day’s march took place from Yorkstrasse / Möckernstrasse to Herrmannplatz.

You can see their answer below.


Fact Crescendo has fact checked and confirms that the video is being share in the post with a wrong narrative. We categorise the story as FALSE.

FactCrescendo advises its readers to refrain from sharing such misleading and communally biased videos and do a self-check on the true narrative of such incidents before believing them.


Title:Did UK Cricket fans dance on Bhojpuri song in London? Fact Check!

Fact Check By: Nita Rao

Result: False