Recently a video of a scuffle between a few people and police personnels went viral on social media. Sharing the video on Facebook a user wrote, "Rohingyas or Rowdies? UP Police went to check IDs of Rohingya Muslims living in Mathura, UP. Instead of cooperating these illegal intruders started fighting with the Police. Deport all the Rohingyas from India".

Facebook Link | Archived Link.

However, as we investigated, we came to know that the viral video is not from Uttar Pradesh, it's from Assam. Here's the fact check.

Fact Check

In the beginning, we tried to understand the language spoken in the video. As confirmed by our Assamese team, we got to know that the people in the video were speaking in the Assamese language. This gave us a hint that the video might not be from Uttar Pradesh but from Assam.

Taking this clue, by conducting a relevant keyword search on Google, we found a report published on India Today NE on 28 June 2024. The viral video was attached to the report. The headline of the report read, "Assam: Pijush Hazarika slams 'certain people' for attacking cops, shares video"

According to the report Assam Minister Pijush Hazarika posted on X condemning an attack on police personnel in Dhing, Assam.

Archived Link.

Moving forward, we searched for the tweet by Minister Pijush Hazarika on his official X handle and found the video uploaded by him on 28 June 2024. Sharing the video he wrote in Assamese, "কেইদিনমানৰ পূৰ্বে সংঘটিত হোৱা এইটো ধিঙৰ ঘটনা। চাওকচোন, এটা বিশেষ সম্প্ৰদায়ৰ লোকসকল কেনেদৰে অসহিষ্ণু হৈ আক্ৰমণকাৰীৰ ৰূপত কৰ্তব্যৰত আৰক্ষীক আক্ৰমণ কৰিছে!" ( The incident has happened few days back in Dhing. See, how intolerant people from a particular community are attacking the police on duty)

Twitter Link | Archived Link.

Further, we found another Tweet from an X user who shared the video with the caption, India 🇮🇳: Skull-capped Radical Islamists brutally assaulted police personnel in Dhing, Assam!

The police were there to inquire about a crime committed by a member of their community".

Twitter Link | Archived Link.

Replying to the tweet Assam DGP GP Singh wrote, "Please refrain from circulating old videos. Would attract provisions of law".

Moreover, Mathura Police also tweeted that the viral video is not from Mathura, Uttar Pradesh.

Archived Link.


From our investigation, we can say that the claim with the viral video is false. The video is not from Mathura, Uttar Pradesh. The video is old and from Assam.


Title:The Rohingyas Attacking The Mathura Police? Here's The Truth.

Fact Check By: Debanjana Baishya

Result: False