A cartoon of Rahul Gandhi is being shared on social media claiming that it was published in the "New York Times Magazine".

The image was sent to our 24*7 Factline number 9049053770 as well.

Archived Link.

However, as we investigated, we came to know that the viral image had been morphed. Here's the fact check.

Fact Check

We started our investigation by conducting a reverse image search of the viral image. As a result, we found a similar image on the website Blogspot. Here, instead of Rahul Gandhi, a woman was breastfeeding a child. Instead of PAK, GOP was written on the back of the child. The credit for the image was given to David Horsey. It was published on 15 May 2012.

Zooming on the image we can see that the artist's name and year were written on the bottom right of the cartoon. According to the information, the cartoon was published in the Los Angeles Times.

On further search, we found an article on the website howieinseattle. According to the information provided, the article and the cartoon were published in the Los Angeles Times by David Horsey.

Moving forward, by conducting a relevant keyword search, we found the article published in the Los Angeles Times on 14 May 2012. However, the image was not there in the article. This article was a satire on the Republican Party for using big corporates for donations. But we found an archived version of the article where the image could be seen.

A comparison between the original image and the viral image can be seen below.

From these, it is clear that the viral image has been morphed. The original cartoon shows the political scenario of America at that time where a woman could be seen breastfeeding a child. The woman was a symbol of big corporates and the child was a symbol of the Republican Party.


From our investigation, we can say that the viral claim is false. The cartoon of Rahul Gandhi is a morphed one. The original cartoon shows a woman breastfeeding a child. The woman was a symbol of big corporates and the child was a symbol of the Republican Party. Moreover, the cartoon was published in the Los Angeles Times, not New York Times Magazine.


Title:No, New York Times Magazine Didn't Publish Rahul Gandhi's Cartoon. The Image Has Been Morphed.

Written By: Debanjana baishya

Result: False