The number of active COVID-19 cases has surged to 4,054 across multiple states in India. Kerala stands out with the highest number of reported cases.

Due to the sudden rise in COVID-19 cases, health officials and authorities have started to implement precautionary measures to curb the spread of the virus.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has advised Southeast Asian countries to be extra cautious due to the rise in respiratory diseases, including COVID-19 and its new version called JN.1, as well as influenza.

Poonam Khetrapal Singh, the regional director of WHO-Southeast Asia, highlighted the importance of tracking the viruses and adjusting our responses accordingly.

What is JN.1?

JN.1 is a new variant of the COVID-19. The WHO has classified it as a Variant of Interest (VOI) due to its rapid spread, prompting the WHO to separate it from its parent lineage, BA.2.86.

JN.1 is spreading more easily and quickly from person to person compared to the earlier versions.

The number of new COVID cases increased by 52 percent during the past month with over 8.5 lakh new cases reported during the period, the WHO said in a press release.

Why there's an uptick in cases?

According to Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove, WHO’s COVID-19 technical lead, various pathogens, including COVID-19, the flu, and other viruses, are causing more respiratory infections globally.

In a video shared by the WHO, she explained that the rise in respiratory infections is due to several reasons, including people gathering more during the holiday season.

She advised to follow the WHO's public health advice to keep your families and friends safe during this holiday season.

Do we need to worry?

For now, there's not a big worry about the new JN.1 variant.

Based on the available, the WHO and other experts have said it doesn't seem to be a huge risk for global health.

However, more can be said as more information becomes available.

Currently, it is winter in India. Winter tends to make respiratory infections, like the flu or COVID-19, spread more easily. So, while the risk is low, it is always good to stay updated on what health experts are saying and follow any guidelines they give to stay safe.

Are COVID-19 vaccines effective on JN.1?

Yes, the current COVID-19 vaccines continue to be effective against the JN.1 variant.

If you've been vaccinated, it still provides a good level of protection against getting seriously ill from this new version of the virus.

It's one of the important reasons why getting vaccinated is recommended – not just for the original form of the virus but also for its variants.

Vaccination helps reduce the severity of illness, hospitalization, and the risk of death, even in the presence of new variants like JN.1.

Do we need to take an extra dose of vaccine?

The head of the India SARS-CoV-2 Genomics Consortium (INSACOG), Dr. NK Arora, has reassured that there is currently no need for an extra dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.

He emphasizes that if you're 60 or older, have health conditions, or take medications that lower your immunity, it's important to take preventive measures.

However, if you've been cautious so far, there's no urgent need for an additional vaccine dose. Following regular precautions is the key for now.

What are the symptoms of JN.1?

As per The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the United States, the symptoms of JN.1 are similar to other COVID-19 variants and may vary from person to person depending on their health and immune system.

Common signs include fever or chills, cough, fatigue, and body aches.

If you experience any of these, it's essential to stay vigilant and seek medical advice if needed.

What precautions should we take?

The WHO advises following their public health advice to keep families and friends safe during the holiday season.

To stay safe from COVID-19 variants JN.1, follow key safety measures:

  • Get vaccinated (if not already)
  • Wear masks indoors or in crowds
  • Practice regular hand hygiene
  • Maintain physical distance
  • Avoid large gatherings
  • Adhere to public health guidelines
  • Stay safe by staying informed

If you experience any of these, it's essential to stay vigilant and seek medical advice if needed.


Title:EXPLAINED: What Is JN.1 Variant of COVID-19 And Its Potential Health Risk?

Written By: Mayur Deokar

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