This incident took place at a primary school in Hebron, West Bank, Palestine, in 2019. It has no link to the current Israel- Palestine conflict.

A video showing some soldiers arresting a child from the school is going viral on the internet. The users who share the video claims that Israeli soldiers arrested and took hostage a 7-year-old Palestinian girl from her school.

The caption of the viral post states, “ARMED ISRAELI SOLDIER ARRESTS AND TAKES HOSTAGE A 7 YEAR OLD PALESTINIAN GIRL FROM HER SCHOOL These ZIONIST thugs operate with impunity, and claim to be victims #IsraelPalestineWar #palestine #Gaza_Genocide #Gazabombing #gaza #WestBank”.

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Fact Check-

We started our investigation by running a reverse image search on one of the key frames on Google; the results led us to a news report published by the Gulf News on 26 March 2019 with the headline “Video: Israeli army arrest boy, 9, from school goes viral”. According to the report, the boy in the video, identified as Zain Abdeen Ashraf Idriss, 9, was accused of having thrown stones at soldiers before going to school that morning. Soldiers inside the school conducted an operation to arrest Zain. He was released later in the day.

The Facebook page of the Middle East Eye also shared the same video on 24 March 2019.

According to the France 24 Observers, “video filmed on March 19 shows Israeli soldiers arguing with Palestinian teachers in a primary school in Hebron, in the West Bank. The teachers were trying in vain to prevent the arrest of a 9-year-old student.

In further search we found the same video uploaded on different YouTube channels around the same time.


Fact Crescendo has found the claim made along with the viral video to be Misleading. An old incident involving the arrest of a boy from Palestine has been linked to the current Israel-Palestine conflict.


Title:2019 incident shared linking to the current Israel- Palestine war

Written By: Usha Manoj

Result: False