After a massive victory of Congress in recent Karnataka elections, a video is going viral on social media. This video has two clips. In the first clip, newly appointed CM Siddaramaiah can be seen drinking champagne and in the second video, a person can be seen dancing to a song in front of people.

It was claimed that after winning the election, Siddaramaiah was seen drinking alcohol and dancing in celebration.

However, Fact Crescendo found the claim to be false. The first video of Siddaramaiah drinking alcohol is old and not related to Karnataka elections while in the second video, it is not him but a look-alike person dancing.

What’s The Claim?

Sharing the video, social media users are claiming that after winning the Karnataka elections, CM Siddaramaiah was spotted consuming alcohol and later dancing in celebration. One user wrote, “Karnataka’s CM will charge of his duty tomorrow in a drunken state.”

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This same video is also viral on Twitter.

Fact Check-

We found out the fact behind both clips in the video.

Clip 1: In this clip, while Siddaramaiah is standing among a group of people, a person pops up a bottle of champagne and Siddaramaiah can be seen taking a sip from the bottle. But is this a recent video?

A keyword search on YouTube led us to the same video uploaded on TV Vikrama Nation Channel on 3 August 2022. The caption of the video reads, “Siddu’s champagne celebration: Siddaramaiah is in the party mood.”

A Kannada news portal, News First Live also reported about the same event on 3 August 2022. According to the report, this was an incident duringSiddaramaiah’s 75th birthday celebration last year. A champagne party and cake-cutting event were organized with the leaders of the party. During the party, former minister SS Mallikarjun opened a bottle of champagne and Siddaramaiah was spotted drinking from that bottle.

From the above facts, it is clear that the first clip of the viral video has no connection with the recent Karnataka elections. This is an old video from Siddaramaiah’s birthday celebration last year.

Clip 2: In this video, a man can be seen dancing to a song in front of some people. It was claimed that it is Siddaramaiah who was dancing after consuming alcohol post-Karnataka election results. Let’s check the facts.

Our search revealed that even verified accounts also shared this video claiming that the person dancing to the tune of AlladsuAlladsu song is CM Siddaramaiah.

On 14 March 2018, Bangalore Mirror reported that the man dancing in the video is not CM Siddaramaiah but a 55-year-old farmer Chanmaayi Gowda from Mysuru. It was an occasion of a cultural program organized by Krishi Bele Ayoga as a part of an agricultural workshop.

In an interview with Asianet Suvarna News on 13 March 2018, Chanmaayi Gowda said that he is the one who is dancing in the video and not CM Siddaramaiah. He also mentioned that he was dancing on an event in Mysuru. He is a farmer and he was attending an agricultural event in Mysuru.


Fact Crescendo found the claim to be false. Both the clips are old and not related to the recent Karnataka elections. The first clip was from last year during Siddaramaiah’s birthday celebration but the man dancing in the second clip in not him but a farmer who resembles Siddaramaiah.


Title:Is this Karnataka CM Siddaramaiah dancing after consuming alcohol post-Karnataka elections? Know the truth

Written By: Siddharth Sahu

Result: False