An image of a group of students has been going viral with a claim that the Uttaranchal University in Uttarakhand has instituted a mandatory dress code for students at the convocation ceremony, requiring them to wear a saffron-coloured scarf instead of black gowns and caps.

Fact Crescendo received the claim on our WhatsApp Tipline (9049053770) with fact-check requests.

We found that the claim is misleading and not completely true. Students were actually assigned different coloured scarves based on their respective academic departments, not just saffron scarf.


The viral image is a selfie taken by a girl student. It depicts several students wearing saffron scarves in an auditorium.

The text along with the viral photo reads: “The rise of a new India. Uttaranchal University in Uttarakhand put an end to the tradition that dates back to the British era. This year during the convocation ceremony, instead of black gowns and black caps, all students were awarded degrees wearing saffron clothes.”

Original Post – Facebook | Facebook


Taking a lead from the viral post itself, we looked out for a convocation ceremony at the Uttaranchal University. We came across the same viral image shared with the same claim in 2021.

We discovered that the viral image in question was actually taken during the inaugural convocation ceremony of the university on 29 February 2020.

Dr. Dhan Singh Rawat, the Minister of Higher Education at the time, was the chief guest on the occasion.

We found multiple photographs from the ceremony, which depicted students wearing a variety of coloured scarves including blue, purple, maroon, and saffron.

A collection of 739 photographs from the event can be viewed here.

The spokesperson of the university told Fact Crescendo that the viral photo program was indeed from the official program but the viral claim is not true.

As per the university spokesperson, the students were instructed to wear kurtas during the convocation ceremony, and they were provided with scarves of varying colours, depending on their academic department. The photograph in question, which features students wearing saffron scarves, was simply a part of the university program and did not intend to convey any religious or social message.

We also found the photograph of the girl featured in the viral image on the university’s official Facebook page. Thus, it proves that the viral image was really from Uttaranchal University’s first convocation ceremony.

Original Post – Facebook


It is clear that an old image claiming that Uttaranchal University mandated the wearing of saffron-colored scarves at its convocation ceremony is misleading. Uttaranchal University did not mandate saffron scarf at the convocation ceremony. Students were permitted to wear scarves of various colours based on their academic departments. It only asked students to wear a traditional kurta.

(If you come across any news, videos, or images that seem too good (or bad) to be true, don’t hesitate to send them our way. Our team of fact-checkers will look into it and then share our findings with you. Together, we can fight the spread of fake news and misinformation. Our WhatsApp number is 9049053770. To stay updated, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.)


Title:Old Image Revived As Mandatory Saffron Scarf At Uttaranchal University Convocation

Fact Check By: Mayur Deokar