The video shows the Kerch Bridge explosion in Crimea, and it dates back to 2022.

In the early hours of 26 March, Baltimore's Francis Scott Key Bridge collapsed when a cargo ship lost power and crashed into it. The 2.6 km long bridge sank into the river. Officials were able to prevent cars from driving onto the bridge just before the accident, but eight construction workers remained on the structure and plummeted into the river below. Six people were missing and presumed dead in the wake of the collapse and two were rescued from the water. Following this tragic incident, a video is now going viral claiming that it shows visuals from the incident.

Caption states,”#FrancesScottKeyBridge explosion, Dozens of cars fell into the water after the collapse in Baltimore”.

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Fact Check-

Our investigation began with a reverse image search of key frames from the viral video, which led us to similar video uploaded on the YouTube channel of Guardian on 8 October 2022 with a caption “Kerch bridge explosion: CCTV appears to show Crimea bridge blast”

Upon further search, we found more reports of this incident. The explosion occurred on the Kerch Bridge in Crimea, which connects Russia to the Crimean Peninsula. According to the video report by the Independent , the blast was caused by a truck bomb, resulted in at least three fatalities.

Archive link


Fact Crescendo found the claim made along with the viral video to be False. The viral video shows the Kerch Bridge explosion in Crimea, and it dates back to 2022. It is unrelated to the recent collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge of Baltimore.


Title:2022 Crimea bridge blast video shared as the recent collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge of Baltimore

Fact Check By: Usha Manoj

Result: False