Two major earthquakes of magnitude 7.8 and 7.5 recently hit Turkey and Syria, destroying many infrastructures and killing thousands of people. Many posts and videos are going viral on social media about this incident.

Now a video of a building collapsing is going viral on social media. The video is claimed to be an incident from Turkey during the earthquake.

However, Fact Crescendo found the claim to be false. This is an old video from Saudi Arabia. The Echo video has nothing to do with the earthquake in Turkey. This video has no connection with the recent Earthquake in Turkey.

What’s The Claim?

Social media users are claiming that this is a video from Turkey during the earthquake where a multi-storied building collapsed in a blink of an eye.

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Fact Check-

In our research, we first divided the viral video into different keyframes. We then performed a Google reverse image search of each frame. As a result, we found the same video uploaded on a YouTube channel on 19 January 2023. The information with video reads that it is a view of the city of Jeddah in Saudi Arabia.

As this video is available much before the earthquake, it is impossible that the building collapsed during the calamity.

With the help of the information provided in the above video, we searched for the location on Google Maps. After searching we found a similar-looking building with the inscription 'BANQUE SAUDI FRANSI'. This photo on Google Maps was taken in 2017.

We found a photo of the same bank from Google. There are some similarities between the building in this photo and the building in the viral video. Below you can see a comparison between the two photos.

We found a video of the same location on a YouTube channel uploaded on 12 April 2022. This video also mentioned that this place is located in Jeddah region of Saudi Arabia.


The viral video is not from the time of the recent earthquake in Turkey. This video is from Jeddah region of Saudi Arabia. An old video of a building collapsing in Saudi Arabia is going viral with false claim of an incident during the earthquake in Turkey.


Title:Is ThisA Video Of A Building Collapsing During The Earthquake In Turkey? Know The Truth.

Fact Check By: Siddharth Sahu

Result: False